1.1    For the duration of this Agreement, the procedures described herein for settlement of grievances will serve as the means for peaceful settlement of all disputes that may arise between the Parties regarding this Agreement.

During the term of the Agreement or extension thereof, the Union will not collectively concertedly, or individually, call, engage in, participate, directly or indirectly in, work stoppages, slowdowns, strikes, sympathy strikes, or any other interference with or interruption of work, and will at all times cooperate with the Company in maintaining complete operations. The Company agrees that it will not lock out its employees during the term of this Agreement.

1.2    In the event that the employee or employees engage in any of the actions set forth in Section 1.1 of this Article, which the Union has agreed not to call, authorize, condone or support, such employee and those participating with him or her may be disciplined to the extent determined by the Company, in its sole discretion. The term “slowdown" will mean an intentional or willful act on the part of the employee to restrict the operations of the Company by the use of any means within the employee's reasonable control.

1.3    In the event that either Party's investigation has determined that there is significant evidence that the employee(s) engaged in any of the actions set forth in 1.1 above, the Union, as soon as possible and within forty-eight hours upon receipt of such written or e-mail notice from the Company, will be obligated to:(i) advise the Company, in writing or e-mail, that the strike, slowdown, stay-in, sympathy strike or picket line has not been called or sanctioned by the Union and (ii) pursuant to the Union's investigation results, advise the employees that such actions are unauthorized and unprotected and illegal, and the Union will further and immediately order the employee(s) to return to work,

1.4    The obligation of the Union will be limited to the performance of the acts required by Section 1.3, and upon compliance by the Union with the provisions of Section 1.3 of this Agreement, the Union and its officers, agents, and members will have no further liability during the term of this contract and thereafter, for any damage suffered by the Company arising from or out of any stoppage or strike.

a) In the event the Union fails to take the actions described in Section 1.3, the Union will be held liable and responsible for the actions of its members. If the Union, either directly or indirectly, authorizes, supports, promotes or condones any violation of this Article, the Company will have all rights the law provides, including, but not limited to, entitlement to injunctive relief, court costs and attorney’s fees.

1.5    Neither the violation of any provisions of this Agreement nor the commission of any act constituting an unfair labor practice or otherwise made unlawful by any federal, state or local laws will excuse employees or the Parties from their obligations under this Article’s provisions.

1.6    Unless specifically limited by this Article, nothing in this Article will preclude the Union from lawful concerted activity. The Union retains its right to engage in informational picketing so long as the purpose and issues addressed by the informational picketing are not amenable to resolution under the Grievances and Arbitration clauses in this Agreement,