1.1 Union Security

a)    Employees Who Are Union Members When Agreement Becomes Effective. An employee employed at the time this Agreement becomes effective who is a member of the Union at such time will, not later than the fifteenth (15th) calendar day of each calendar month of employment, tender to the Union an amount of money equal to the monthly dues uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who are members of the Union.

b)    Employees Who Are Not Union Members When Agreement Becomes Effective. An employee employed at the time this Agreement becomes effective who is not a member of the Union at such time will, not later than the thirtieth (30th) day of employment or the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later, if still employed, tender to the Union: (1) an amount of money equal to the initiation fee uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who become members of the Union, unless the employee has, at any previous time, tendered such an amount of money to the Union; and (2) the pro rata share of an amount of money equal to the monthly dues uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who are members of the Union. Thereafter, such an employee will, not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each calendar month of employment, tender to the Union an amount of money equal to the monthly dues uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who are members of the Union.

c)    Employees Hired after Agreement Becomes Effective. An employee who is initially employed or re-employed after the time this Agreement becomes effective will, not later than thirty (30) calendar days after the commencement of employment, if still employed, tender to the Union: (1) an amount of money equal to the initiation fee uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who become members of the Union, unless the employee has, at any previous time, tendered such an amount of money to the Union; and (2) the pro rata share of an amount of money equal to the monthly dues uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who are members of the Union. Thereafter, such an employee will not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each calendar month of employment, tender to the Union an amount of money equal to the monthly dues uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who are members of the Union.

d)    Determination of Pro Rata Share. For the purposes of paragraphs b) and c) of this Section 1.1 the "pro rata share" to be tendered to the Union will be determined by dividing the monthly dues uniformly charged by the Union to all employees who are members of the Union by the total number of days in the month and multiplying the result by the number of days remaining in the calendar month after the employee is required to pay such share.

e)    Employees Holding Certain Religious Beliefs. An employee who, because of sincerely held religious beliefs, as determined by the I.A.M.A.W., objects to joining or financially supporting labor organizations will comply with the provisions of Section 1.1 a), b) or c), whichever is applicable; except that, in lieu of tendering payment to the Union, such an employee will pay the amount of monies specified under such paragraphs either to Guide Dogs of America, 13445 Glenoaks Boulevard, Sylmar, CA 91342; Feed the Children, Inc, P.O.. Box 36, Oklahoma City, OK 73101- 0036; or the American Red Cross, National Headquarters, 2025 E Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20006 (all of which are 501 © (3) charities), as selected by the employee. Not later than the end of the first (1st) working day after the tender dates specified in Section 1.1 b) or c), the employee will deliver to the employee’s Union shop steward a dated receipt from the charity indicating that payment of the required amount was received by the charity on or before the applicable tender date.

1.2 Discharge of Employee for Failure to Comply with Section 1.1

a)   Employees who are Union members on the effective date of the Agreement will continue to pay the dues amount in accordance with Section 1.1 a) above to the Union as a condition of continued employment while in the bargaining unit and on the active payroll as long as they remain members of the Union. Other employees within the bargaining unit who after the effective date of this Agreement become members of the Union will continue to pay the dues amount in accordance with Section 1.1 b) or Section 1.1 c) above, as applicable, to the Union as a condition of continued employment while in the bargaining unit and on the active payroll as long as they remain members of the Union. Other employees within the bargaining unit who after the effective date of this Agreement tender payments to the Union in accordance with Section 1.1 b) or Section 1.1 c) above, as applicable, will continue to pay the fee amount in accordance with Section 1.1 b) or Section 1.1c) above, as applicable, to the Union as a condition of continued employment while in the bargaining unit and on the active payroll.

b)   Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the Company will not terminate any employee for non-payment of dues without written notification from the Union as to the violation. Any employee facing possible termination for non- payment of dues will have a period of no less than 60 calendar days to remit the requisite dues in 1.1 b) or 1.1 c) above to the Union before the Employer is required to terminate the employee for non-payment.