1.1    Any employee reporting for work and who has not previously been notified that
work has been canceled will be paid four (4) hours pay.

1.2    In circumstances of inclement weather, employees are expected to call the main
number for the Company two hours before their scheduled shift. An employee is
deemed to have received notice even if they fail to call in as per this requirement.

1.3    When there are extreme situations other than weather, the Company will use a call
blast service to contact the employee two hours before their scheduled shift. An
employee is deemed to have received notice by this call blast if made at least two
hours before the scheduled shift.

1.4    Should the Company need to close the facility, such closure is not a paid event.
However, employees can use any accrued PTO for the duration of the closure. If the
closure is due to operation needs such as technology or other servicing of the
building or equipment as determined by IKEA, the employee denied a shift as a
result, shall be given the opportunity to make up the lost scheduled hours in the
week in which the closure occurred up to 2 times per contract year. This does not
apply to closures due to emergencies/inclement weather, etc.