1.1    Employees will be compensated for their scheduled shift at base rate plus any premium the employee receives for each day's absence during the scheduled workweek for bereavement as follows:

Paid Bereavement Day(s)

Spouse, child, mother, father, brother,
sister, domestic partner, stepchild,grandchild, foster child who dies while placed in the employee’s home by a State Agency, stepparents, (great)grandparents, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister

Five (5) Days

Mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
spouse’s grandparents, domestic partner’s,
parent(s)-in-law, siblings-in-law

Three (3) days

Niece, nephew, aunt, uncle or cousin

One (1) Day

1.2    If you are on vacation at the time of the death of your family member, you may notify your supervisor to cancel your vacation and change it to bereavement pay.

1.3    An additional leave, using personal, vacation or unpaid leave, may be granted by the sole discretion of the Company. The requested time must be submitted in advance and sufficient documentation may have to be provided.

1.4    Employees may be required to submit sufficient documentation to substantiate the relationship claimed and notice of the death. Acceptable documentation includes:

  1. Form from Funeral Director

  2. Obituary linking employee to deceased

  3. Any Official Government paperwork showing relationship to deceased


1.1 The Company will provide three (3) enclosed bulletin boards of reasonable size for the exclusive use of the Union in the main employee hallway to the warehouse where other employment postings to employees are located and the second location outside the CDC office in building 6 and the third at the Havre de Grace external. The bulletin board is for the purpose of official Union notices. The Union agrees not to post any notice which is offensive, derogatory, or inflammatory, or in violation of any other Company policy.