1.1    Upon written notification at least five (5) business days in advance, Union Stewards, Union Committee Persons and Elected Officials will be granted unpaid time off for the purpose of attending training related to the performance of their Union duties at the Perryville location. However, such time off may be limited in the number of people on the same day to no more than would otherwise be granted in conjunction with other requests from bargaining unit employees for time off.

1.2    The Company agrees to comply with the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and to afford the benefits provided by the Act to all employees who have worked at least 1,250 hours in the last twelve (12) months immediately preceding the month in which the leave is requested.

1.3    The Company agrees to comply with the provisions of the Maryland Family Leave Act.

1.4    It is not until Short term disability (STD), FMLA and/or ADA exhaust that any procedures would be initiated toward termination of STD, FMLA and/or ADA eligible employees.

1.5    It is not until worker’s compensation settles that any procedures would be initiated toward termination of eligible employees.